I thought it would be fitting to start this blog after spending the past week with family. Family is the reason I decided to start this blog in the first place. I hope I can use this blog to let everyone "catch up" on our day to day lives. Unfortunately, we don't get to see everyone as much as we would like which means most of our family has missed seeing Grant grow up the past three years.
The past week we have had the opportunity to see a lot of family and to spend quality time with everyone. It started Saturday when Elizabeth (Brad's Mom) and I hosted a shower for Michelle (my future sister-in-law).

Not only did I get the chance to meet Michelle's mother and sister, but I also got to spend time with my Mom and Aunt.

Brad brought Grant over at the end of the shower, just in time to see all the "brides". He thought we were silly...which we were!!

On Sunday Michelle invited us to have Thanksgiving dinner at her house. Her parents were in town for the shower. It gave us the chance to meet her parents and spend time with everyone. (Not to mention eat some YUMMY food!) Grant LOVED playing with Michelle's niece Ranee (I am sure I spelled it wrong!) who is a year old. Grant was great with her. He kept giving her chips and he even shared his cars!

Grant also enjoyed playing outside with his "Romo twin", Uncle Ray. They played with the dogs, sticks, and who knows what else when I was not outside!

On Wednesday night we were invited to Brad's parents to have b-b-q. Brad's Uncle Hess, Aunt Julie, and cousin's Katy, Becca, and Rachel were in town for Thanksgiving. Hess has a friend that makes killer b-b-q! It was great catching up with the Hester clan. Grant loved being spoiled by everyone. Of course I forgot my camera, so I did not get ANY pictures. However, we did spend the next day with everyone and I got a ton of pictures (both on my camera and Elizabeth's when my camera died...again!)
Aunt Julie and Becca sang an alphabet song with Grant. He is all of a sudden realizing that words start with letters. It was really sweet and cute!

Becca and Rachel even let Grant play on their computer. He LOVES playing on the computer... they did not realize it, but that made him LOVE them even more!

Katy and Uncle Hess also played one of Grant's favorite games: Hide-n-seek. He could play for HOURS! I think Mimi was thinking Uncle Hess could too! The giggles from all of them were priceless!

On Friday Brad and I hosted Thanksgiving at our house for my side of the family. I have to brag a little and say that it went really well! The only mishap was I burned the rolls (just on the bottom)! Other than that everything else was yummy! Grant really enjoyed playing with Tyler and Coit. They all played Wii and watched Monster's Inc (well some of it) together.

Of course we all enjoyed spending time together. I wish I had taken more pictures. It is hard to do when hosting. LOL I did get some cute pics through out the day:
My little pilgrim!

Coit and Grant playing ball INSIDE. Thanks to the rain they were forced to stay inside.

Grant and Coit watching Monster's Inc. I just LOVE this picture!

The boys hugging good bye....even though Coit was not leaving yet! :-)

Aunt Kay and her clan (Uncle Bill, Tyler, and Brianna) were the ones leaving. I am so glad we have good huggers!!

I am a little sad that the week went by so fast. (I had the WHOLE week off!) Just knowing that we will get to see almost everyone again soon for Christmas is exciting. I think I will head off now to get some sleep. Check back often...I plan on updating the blog at least once a week, if not more! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!