Saturday, March 7, 2009

We are 95 % sure we are having a GIRL!!!

On Friday, March 6th we had a sonogram with a specialist. It was a new sonogram that checks for down syndrome and other birth defects. The sonogram picture was amazing. It also helped that the TV was HUGE. When I say huge...I mean HUGE! The baby on the screen was the size of a large book.

When we first started the sonogram the baby looked like it was just kicked back and hanging out (see picture below). At one point it looked like the baby was yawning! The Doctor said it must be bored. It stayed in that position until the Doctor was done with all the tests. Then it decided to turn over. That was amazing to watch. We could see the baby go completely from it's back to it's stomach. Then it put it's bottom right in the air! The doctor then scanned that area and asked if we wanted to know what we were having. I did not give Brad a chance to answer before I said of course we do! She said she could predict the sex with 95% accuracy. Brad told her he already knew and she said okay dad...what is it? And he replied...girl. She smiled really big and said he was right!!! So if the doctor is is Miss Sarah Diann Cantrill:

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