Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Events leading up to Sarah's Birthday

As most people know I am a planner. I make plans to make plans. Nothing was different when it came to having Sarah. We (okay I) planned months before we got pregnant and when we did get pregnant immediately tried to plan her birthday. You would think I learned my lesson when Grant was born. (He came two weeks early due to my having high blood pressure.) The plan was for me to go back to work for eight days. I would then take Thursday off and have Sarah on Friday. I figured a Summer of rest would keep my blood pressure down. We also planned for Grant to start back to preschool and be settled in before Sarah made her debut. Sounds great, right?

The first change came in the form of Grant going to the beach with Mimi the first week I was to go back to work. I was sad to have him gone for a week, but also did not want to deny him the chance to spend that time with Mimi. Plus he had never been to the beach. I did not realize how helpful it was going to be for him to be gone and taken care of.

I went to work on Monday and Tuesday as planned. I knew my blood pressure was up because my feet were so swollen. I had cankles...not ankles or calves...cankles! Putting my feet up in my meetings did not help. I had a Doctor's appointment after work on Tuesday. I had the nurse at school check my blood pressure before I left...150/90!! Not good! It was even higher when I got to the doctor's office! Dr. Garner sent me to Labor and Delivery to be monitored. If my bp did not get better we were either having a baby that night or I was going to be put on hospital bed rest. Thankfully it went down the longer I rested. I was sent home and put on house arrest.

House arrest meant no more work for me! ACK! The planner in me was FREAKING out because I did not have everything ready for my Sub. I thought I had another week to get everything done! Luckily I had gotten the meat of the planning done. I only had what I considered the "icing on the cake" left. I just made lists for her on what was left.

I spent the next two days in bed. Sounds wonderful, but being nine months pregnant was not really comfortable. I watched a lot of movies and read baby books. Looking back I wish I had enjoyed it more! :-) On Friday (my birthday), I went to the Dr. for a blood pressure check. It was still a little high, but not enough to deliver. I was kept on bed rest through the weekend. (I did get to go to Grant's Meet the teacher night AND go out to dinner!)

The following Monday I had another blood pressure check. My bp was in the normal range for me, so I was kept on modified bed rest until our scheduled c-section that Friday. Of course I spent half a day at school trying to get some of that to-do list done. I also enjoyed taking/picking up Grant from school because I knew it would be awhile before I could do so. On Thursday I surprised him by picking him up before lunch. Mimi and I took him to La Ha for lunch and then shopping for some last minute baby stuff. I then took him to a pottery place to have one last Mommy and Grant outing. It was great to have that because I was so emotional that whole day!

That night my Mom came to spend the night. We went out for dinner and tried to get to bed early. I even took a sleeping pill, but still could not sleep! I am going to stop the story here to share pictures from the two weeks before Sarah's birth. I will pick up the story on the next entry!

Grant's first day of preschool. He is now in the Pre-K class...or butterflies!

Here he is at school. What a sweet boy!

Riding the pony at La Ha on our lunch date the day before Sarah was born.

Painting his hot rod at the pottery place.

He is so proud of the hot rod! It now sits on the night stand next to his bed.

Having dinner the night before Sarah's birthday. Grant was excited...not to sure about Brad!

Grant and Grandma at dinner. I KNOW she was excited the day was finally here!!
I'm not sure what the box is below....I guess I should call it a night when I start getting mystery boxes! LOL

My Parent's 40th Wedding Anniversary

My parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on August 29th. We celebrated after my shower since I was scheduled to have Sarah on August 28th. We took them to III Forks for dinner. Claudie, Mike and Cheryl also joined us to celebrate. Happy 40th Mom and Dad!!

Baby Shower, August 15th

My wonderful Sister-in-law, Michelle hosted a baby shower for me on August 15th. She (and her best friends Lindsay and Sherri) did such a fantastic job! The decorations were beautiful, the food yummy, and it was a lot of fun too!! I got so many cute things for Sarah. I am not sure how I am going to be able to dress her in everything! Thank you Michelle for such a great day!

A baby shower is not complete without the Grandparents to be! Here is Grandma, Aunt Michelle, me, and Mimi.

I wish I had taken more pictures of the decorations. I did take one of the diaper cake (once I got home). I need to steal some pictures from Ray's Facebook page!

We played a game were everyone guessed how much toilet tissue it would take to go around my (huge) belly. I think it ended up being 25 1/2 sheets. Claudie and Cheryl were both right on with their guesses! Here is Claudie trying hers out.

I think my Mother thought I was carrying twins by the look of the extra sheets left over. LOL

I got so many great gifts. My Mom's good friend Sallie made Sarah a ballerina quilt. It is SOOO cute. She also made Grant a Mickey quilt. He LOVES it!

Speaking of Grant....he was such a great helper!! Man can he open presents! :-)

My Mom made me one of my favorite gifts...a baby blanket. She could not find a pattern that had hearts (my favorite), so she designed one herself. Look closely and you can see the heart pattern.


Hello! I cannot believe Baby Sarah is already SEVEN weeks old! I am going to update my blog today with events that have happened between Becca's wedding on August 8th through today. I am hoping to get it all done, but that will depend on Sarah staying asleep! LOL!